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Officine Tamborrino

Designer: Vincenzo Tamborrino

55 X 50 X 95 cm - 7 KG


Restyling della sedia prodotta negli anni ‘60 da Officine Tamborrino, Maestro deve il suo nome al suo iniziale utilizzo e al suo disegnatore. Essa era normalmente collocata dietro la cattedra per accogliere il maestro di turno, al tempo stesso il signor Vincenzo Tamborrino - fondatore delle Officine - viene da sempre chiamato dai suoi collaboratori “Maestro Vincenzo”. Un pezzo di storia dei nostri anni sessanta.


It is a successful remake of a chair which was already produced by Officine Tamborrino in the ‘60s. Its name derives from its initial use and from its own creator. It was usually placed behind the desk for the teachers’ sake. At the same time, the founder of the company - Mr. Vincenzo Tamborrino - has always been respectfully called “Maestro Vincenzo” by his own employees. That’s why this product recalls a sort of tribute to our own history of the Sixties.


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